Ute’s Blog


A Better Way to Manage Knowledge – John Hagel III and John Seely Brown – Harvard Business Review

via blogs.hbr.org A Better Way to Manage Knowledge is about creation spaces vs. knowledge management systems or as they put it… „Knowledge management systems desperately try to persuade participants to invest time and effort to contribute existing knowledge with the vague and long-term promise that they themselves might eventually derive value from the contributions of…

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The Decade in Management Ideas – Harvard Business Review

via blogs.hbr.org als IdeaCast The Decade in Management Ideas This is the season for „year’s best“ lists — and even, this year, for „decade’s best“ lists — and who are we to resist the urge? A few of us HBR editors (Gardiner Morse and Steve Prokesch helped especially) took the opportunity to look back on…

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Prof. Peter Kruse über Kreativität

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyo_oGUEH-I&hl=en&fs=1] via youtube.com Interessante Gedanken zur Kreativität, zu Netzwerken und zu „Störern“. Weitere textbasierte Inhalte sind auch hier zu finden.

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The Future Of The Social Web

by Jeremiah Owyang, Forrester Research for Interactive Marketing Professionals EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Today’s social experience is disjointed because consumers have separate identities in each social network they visit. A simple set of technologies that enable a portable identity will soon empower consumers to bring their identities with them — transforming marketing, eCommerce, CRM, and advertising. IDs…

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Six Social Media Trends for 2010 – Harvard Business Review

  In 2009 we saw exponential growth of social media. According to Nielsen Online, Twitter alone grew 1,382% year-over-year in February, registering a total of just more than 7 million unique visitors in the US for the month. Meanwhile, Facebook continued to outpace MySpace. So what could social media look like in 2010? In 2010,…

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Robin Good on the Future of Conferences

via conferencebasics.com Online entrepreneur Robin Good from Master New Media and his opinion on what is going to be the future of conferences. In this first part he describes how a conference is going to be “extended”: Starting way before the physical event (if there is one) and lasting a long time after the event…

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Extending your conference and engaging your audience

Extending your conference and engaging your audience via conferencebasics.com Robin Good explores what in his opinion is going to be the future of conferences: engaged audiences and extended events. Robin pitches two ideas for events to move from the classic (and rather obsolete) top-town broadcasting model, where the attendees are just a passive observer, to a…

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Der Herzschlag der Innovation

15 Minuten Insight von Steve Jobs die sich lohnen. Eine emotionale Rede über die Zufälle, die Passion, die Verluste und das Vertrauen. … kleine und große Puzzlstückchen, um große Innovationen zu schaffen. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc&hl=en&fs=1] via youtube.com 1. Connecting the dots but you can never connect the dots looking forwards; it only works looking backwards (es…

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Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics Zusammenfassung

  Nach einem kurzen Abriss zu den Hintergründen und der Vorgehensweise in dieser Studie (Kapitel 1) wird in Kapitel 2 das wissenschaftliche Format der Arbeit kurz vorgestellt. Nach diesem „wissenschaftlichen Muss“ werden in Kapitel 3 die gängigen Methoden und Theorien zur Technologieakzeptanz aus Wissenschaft und Praxis vorgestellt. Da jede Methode Vor- und Nachteile hat, ist…

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